
Search "user:StefanGER"

48 forum posts
Game analysis - The Legend Of ZugAddict exaggerated? "Stockifish level 8 loophole discovered"#4

So he prepared for his opponent, isn't that just fair game?

Game analysis - your worst games#4

Hi Regis! This is a very instructional game against a higher rated opponent. Black didn't manage to keep the position under control after a big advantage and then finally blundered. What I noticed her…

Lichess Feedback - Puzzles too strict#5

In almost every case this happens it is because the moves did not have the same outcome and you have overlooked something in the position. It should not happen that of two moves with exactly the same …

General Chess Discussion - Premove tricks in bullet#6

I don't see the rudeness. It's a legal chess move. I also feel it would make my endeavor to become a better chess player way more difficult if I just labeled a certain subset of moves as "rude" and bl…

Lichess Feedback - computer frozes and never starts up again after running local comp analysis lichess problem or my computer#8

I think this is what is running here: So it's stockfish ported to the javascript language.

Lichess Feedback - computer frozes and never starts up again after running local comp analysis lichess problem or my computer#3

Yes the engine to evaluate the position runs on your computer. I have the same problem, it's probably a performance issue due to the heavy calculation, but it's still beta so maybe it'll improve.

General Chess Discussion - Mouse vs Touchscreen - Bullet#3

#2: Steering wheel only, sorry!

Game analysis - Annotated game (by a NM)#5

I think this game could be quite instructional: I tried to make a flank attack work which turned out to be a horrible decision.

Lichess Feedback - Puzzle 58454#2

I think it's because of the underpromotion f8=N+. He promotes with check so he gets a free knight for a moment. Of course that is still completely losing and shouldnt fail the puzzle, but I guess tha…

General Chess Discussion - Streaming Myself Going from 1400 to 2100 in 100 hours#5

Good luck! :D
