
Puzzles too strict

I'm wondering why the Daily Puzzles are so strict in their movements. If I move the Queen to check the King at, say, H7 and the puzzle fails me because it would have moved the Queen to check at F7, and both moves achieve the same outcome, why is it that the puzzles will fail the player for not making the exact move Lichess would? That isn't teaching, it's a lesson in frustration because the question immediately becomes why is that move better when overall both moves achieve exactly the same end result? Loosen up a little.
Because it isn't same. If you are referring to today's puzzle , you need to first check on f7 and remove that pawn, because after Kh8, Qh5+, Kg8, Qh7+, Kf7, Qh8+, Ke5, when you play Qxg7 it is check, and it wouldn't be if there is pawn on f7.
Kh8, Qh5+, Kg8, Qh7+, Kf8, Qh8+,Ke7 is correct, sorry for typo.
I understand, yes. But wasn't meaning that exact sequence of moves; thinking like: Knight jumps to a spot on the left and checks. King moves, Queen comes up and checkmates. Hooray, puzzle victory! But the exact same outcome would be achieved in knight jumps to a space on the right. FAIL, -30 POINTS. Why? The outcome, checkmate, would be exactly the same whether or not the knight went left or right. So why is only one of those moves valid, and why does the puzzle penalize you so many points?
In almost every case this happens it is because the moves did not have the same outcome and you have overlooked something in the position. It should not happen that of two moves with exactly the same outcome only one is accepted.

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