
computer frozes and never starts up again after running local comp analysis lichess problem or my computer

Does the local comp analysis feature run a program on my computer? When I have used it the computer has frozen several times and the light under the mouse started blinking. Once the computer didn't start up at all after that although I turned the power on and off many times. I thought my computer was broken but when I plugged in and out the power adapter it started up again. This has happened only when I visited lichess I think.
Yes the engine to evaluate the position runs on your computer. I have the same problem, it's probably a performance issue due to the heavy calculation, but it's still beta so maybe it'll improve.
Is it possible to switch it off in preferences. My comp hangs completely and won't even restart. I have to plug in and out power adapter.

When I switch comp off and on with the power button it even doesn't start up the OS and only beeps very strange and I have to unplug/replug it from the wall outlet. Does this feature affects BIOS/firmware or something.
I think that the local analysis engine will remember if it was on or off between games. If you click the button in the top right into the off position, it won't start automatically when you open a new game. If you leave the button in the on position, it will start automatically next time.

I made the mistake of opening 5 games at a time in 5 new tabs. The local analysis engine was set to start immediately and it didn't go well. Now I always turn off the local analysis after using it so it doesn't start automatically the next time I open an analysis board (or two or five). It may be useful to have local analysis always default to off or limit itself to one game at a time.
The new analysis was quite resource hungry on my home computer so I decided to no longer use it.
Today I used it on a faster computer elsewhere and that went fine.

I wonder how it works ? Someone (in a forum post on Lichess) wrote that the new analysis option is not Stockfish but uses javascript ?
If I run an engine myself in an interface for ex houdini the comp doesn't crash because it takes lots of resources. (I have Intel Core 2 Duo 2*2.2GHz).
JavaScript can at most freeze your browser. It only uses up resources through the browser. It doesn't run any program on your computer (the browser is the program).

If your computer isn't rebooting, then you most likely have an issue with overheating. That's your fault and your browser triggering it is a symptom of a much better problem.

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