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13 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Why flagged cheaters are allowed to play in casual mode?#12

Certainly it is a good idea.

Lichess Feedback - Why flagged cheaters are allowed to play in casual mode?#10

@zeeChess More or less we say the same thing. How trustworthy is someone can be indicated inside the game so we can cancel it without cost. Again though a flagged cheater would eventually be forced to…

Lichess Feedback - Why flagged cheaters are allowed to play in casual mode?#7

@Fenris1066 I think that the following would be good to be implemented and easy to do: - Show "Cheater flag" within the lobby not only in the profile of the user. So if for example the cheater enters …

Lichess Feedback - Why flagged cheaters are allowed to play in casual mode?#4

It is true that atomic chess will not have cheaters because there is not a software to support an assisted AI or if there is, it is not commonly used. The site should handle more harshly the cheaters …

Lichess Feedback - Why flagged cheaters are allowed to play in casual mode?#1

I cannot understand why cheaters are not banned permanently. I play in casual mode just for fun and to reduce the probability to play with one loser of life like those. As I progress in a casual game …

Lichess Feedback - Casual games infested by unknown cheaters#1

Can Lichess consider giving a tool to ban the IP of an unanimous player if there is evidence that he cheats? For example, lately I seldom play rated games because I got tired fighting with cheaters. I…

Lichess Feedback - loss due to Lichess reconnection#14

For calcification, I had played and was waiting the other player.

Lichess Feedback - loss due to Lichess reconnection#13

With 100 ping/5ms I lost 2 games suddenly because Lichess said I had left the game, without disconnection message visible. I just waited for about 2min and then the game was lost. This has to be addre…

Lichess Feedback - Lichess must fight cheaters#20

Well I have done this multiple times already for the same and other users + on post #11 Cynosure said he could receive a PM. It is tiring for all of us this procedure. Simplest thing for myself is to …

Lichess Feedback - Lichess must fight cheaters#18

Another cheater busted and I am going to PM me you info Cynosure. I think it is worth the effort to try more to prosecute these losers, or else the site will become as
