
loss due to Lichess reconnection

#9 Absolutely fair comment.

Why, though, does it then take ages to RE-connect? If I play a 1+0 bullet and disconnect, it seems to be a good 45 seconds before I get back on. I don't understand all this computer stuff, but I know you are an expert.

I'm just a mere mortal who gets occasionally dispirited when my win goes in the dunny because the world wide web isn't going around the world for a few seconds :)
Routing surely can and will be an issue, Clarkey. You're right Lichess does not have the independent power to relay. And Cloudflare comes into play as well. That said: #2 above is a clever answer; circumventing answering all possible reasons. We both do know it's not only de members connection/pc coming into play. Anyway: running this place the way it runs is a big effort. I do applaud all involved for this.
With 100 ping/5ms I lost 2 games suddenly because Lichess said I had left the game, without disconnection message visible. I just waited for about 2min and then the game was lost. This has to be addressed.

Before some months the same problem happened and Lichess woke up when I tapped the interface. Now this does not work.

If it helps, I play on tablet.
For calcification, I had played and was waiting the other player.

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