
The second Elite Racing Kings Arena

LichessChess variantTournament
Natso wins the second Elite RK Arena!

The second Elite Racing Kings Arena was played on 12th March at 7pm UTC during an half hour. First it was planned to play an half hour but Natso abbreviates it because only a few players joined to play.
Only 11 players joined it, 6 players played some games and at all only 17 games were played.
Anyways Natso takes home the first place, the second place in taken by S_U_R_J_Y_A and the third by T_V_Q_F_T_C-1!
The winner of the First Elite Arena did not play that time.
First of all, let's have a look at interesting games of our winners again!

#1 - Natso

Directly in the first game he had to fight versus his rival S_U_R_J_Y_A

Uh, an uncommon opening... S_U_R_J_Y_A made his first blunder in move 5. He had to take the queen with his knight. But well it is only a +1 blunder, not such a bad position yet. But then S_U_R_J_Y_A directly blunders in move 6 and gives Natso a +4 position which Natso is able to outplay very strong!

#2 - S_U_R_J_Y_A

S_U_R_J_Y_A's first win was in his third game versus LaW17EnFoRcEr.

S_U_R_J_Y_A never gave his opponent the chance to win the game but gave them twice the chance to draw. First time in move 7 and second time in move 12. Anyways LaW17EnFoRcE missed both of them and S_U_R_J_Y_A won the game!

#3 - T_V_Q_F_T_C-1

T_V_Q_F_T_C-1 directly met the second place in their first game!

T_V_Q_F_T_C-1 didn't make a single blunder and only one mistake, while they punished S_U_R_J_Y_A for the blunder 9.Bb2.
9.Bb2 looks strong but it gives white King advantage and white can easily win!


That time there won't be puzzles because only 17 games were played so there are low chances to find good puzzles. I hope next Elite Arena will be played by more players again.
I hope you enjoyed that blog post. If you liked it you could also check the previous Elite Arena blog post.