
5th Elite Racing Kings Arena after a break

Chess variantTournamentLichess
After a break of ~1 month the 5th Racing Kings Arena is played!

The fifth Elite Racing Kings Arena was played on Saturday, 14th May at 18pm UTC.
After a break of about 1 month the Elite Arenas are continued with this 5th Arena.
The first place is taken by zlaya_bea with 11 points, frezmati221 gets seconds place with 4 points and the third place is kodd70 with 3 points!
I'm sorry, I didn't write a blog post about the fourth Elite Racing Kings Arena because of the reasons I told you in the Forum of the Lichess Racing Kings team.
Anyways - let's have a look at the latest Elite Arena!

#1 - zlaya_bea

First of all... Respect! Zlaya_bea had 0% loss rate
0% loss rate!
Their most interesting game has probably been the game versus the Top 10 player civil2000

It has been a pretty solid game until move 13. Civil2000 has the right idea: moving away the queen to continue racing the king. Anyways civil2000 played the queen to the a-line so the queen was not really in the game anymore.

#2 - frezmati221

Frezmati221's win on berserk has been a bit weird.

The players tried to invert the opening 1.Kg3 to 1.Bd4 which has been connected to some blunders, anyways both players want to invert the opening so it is no problem.
White's blunder is a bit similar to the blunder of civil2000 which I tried to explain you above.
The rook is not in the game anymore. Frezmati221 played it out right and won.

#3 - kodd70

A very nice game by the third place. Only one inaccuracy.

The 8th move by white doesn't really look like a blunder to a normal human. Anyways kodd70 plays a normal opening move which is also the best possible move. White's 9th move which is only inaccurate makes the game easily won.

Puzzle Packs

This time there is a puzzle pack again. Sadly I was only able to find one puzzle.

Previous Elite Arenas & Conclusion

If you also want to participate in such Racing Kings tournaments you should join Lichess' official Racing Kings team. If you are no "Elite player" you can play in the U1800 tournaments, they are played at the same time as Elite Arenas are played.