
Search "user:Cubra"

12 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Database function#9

@tailuge Holy ravioli, that is one awesome tool I'm bookmarking that and calling it the "TailugeTree"

General Chess Discussion - Check Mate? Worth More?#5

While more points for a mate sounds very unreasonable, it would be cool to keep the amount of mates recorded. Specifically the type of mate, it'd be cool to know what mate you use more often than othe…

Game analysis - How did I got a draw against max level AI? Is it bad? Honestly analyze this game if you would.#7

21... Qh4+ 22. Kg2 Qg5+ 23. Kh1 Qh6+ 24. Kg2 Qxe3 24. Nxe4 Nxe4 26. fxe4 Qxe4+ 27.Nf3 Rxc4 And black should go on to make use of his pawn majority and the open king position. I don't know why the boar…

Game analysis - How did I got a draw against max level AI? Is it bad? Honestly analyze this game if you would.#4

White has an extra knight yeah, but black will soon pick up a couple more pawns. If you use the stockfish engine here on lichess, it shows that Black could proceed with checking the white king while o…

Game analysis - How did I got a draw against max level AI? Is it bad? Honestly analyze this game if you would.#2

I'm no expert by any means, but I think I know a few moments that were easy mistakes you could fix. If you check the engine eval, black holds the edge throughout most of the game until it decides for …

General Chess Discussion - Chezz puzzle#5

He is saying that if black doesn't take the knight, he loses the bishop and the d6 square. While if he takes, he simply trades the queen for two minor pieces. The argument is whether the bishop and th…

General Chess Discussion - Lichess Rating Inflation#7

The best answer is that there is no answer. Two different rating systems, two different player pools, apples to oranges.

General Chess Discussion - Chezz puzzle#3

In addition to that, I think the knight on d6 would be worth much more than 3 points. He'd be a real thorn in black's camp.

General Chess Discussion - How many times can a player move in 1 second?#6

Experience helps but there are a few endgames that are very hard to screw up, even with such little time. I just a lost a game about 16 minutes ago, I premoved with 7 seconds and lost because of lag. …

General Chess Discussion - Is slowly becoming =(#14

A lot of people are converting, unfortunately it can't be cherry picked who gets converted. You're gonna get the bad with the good. That being said I think lichess remains the more friendly environmen…
