
Check Mate? Worth More?

What do you people think of the concept of making check mate actually worth more points than anything else? For instance, why is it that we have the same amount of points exchanged for a resigned game when a mate is far more difficult? Would the point of trying to accomplish a CHECK MATE above all else improve the game of chess with the incentive of recieving 3-5 more points over just a resigned game? People wil claim that everyone will resign before mate depriving you of more points? But isn't that the whole point? That happens anyway, and if you surprise your opponent with an amazing mate I think you should be rewarded more? What do you think?

I also think that stat should be kept? How many wins with Check Mate? Players with the most wins with Mate? would be cool to know.
It'll lead to less mates. Because nobody will allow any at all.
Make it you have to ask your opponent to resign. That way if you have a pretty finish, it can be played out in the game.
I wouldn't expect any collaboration of your opponent to your benefit...
While more points for a mate sounds very unreasonable, it would be cool to keep the amount of mates recorded. Specifically the type of mate, it'd be cool to know what mate you use more often than others, and which you should maybe practice.
another option would be to delete the resign button by lichess team ^^
If checkmate were worth more, people would resign before checkmate, as they do now.
Emmanuel Lasker however proposed a system where stalemate would score more points than 50 moves draw with more material and more than threefold position repetition.
His argument was that this would enrich chess, as it would open more possibilities to get to a more favourable sort of draw.
Or worse, opponents would time out before checkmate. Sounds like OP is trying to solve an XY problem and won't state the actual problem they want solved?
Here's another great idea:

How about we make a "Remove Time" button that takes 15 seconds from the opponent?
Worth more "points"?

If you mean Glicko2 would go up more, well it would be... pointless. For the obvious reason that Glicko2 is not a points system but a way of showing how well or not one is playing at a particular time.

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