
Lichess needs to do more about cheating!

so how come there whole load people with "has violated TOS" quite often posting question "Why can't I join tournament"

So clearly someone doing something. No statistics but here a moderator discussing why the number of closed cheaters is not that importatn measure after banning 1000 accounts in a day

Also in this video you can see from linked point that there is a huge moderation effort. From the graph presented you can see with some accuracy how many players end up playing with other TOS violators.
@sheckley666 said in #10:
> C-Bear Could you show us one single text where lichess denies that cheating exists?
(@)C-bear has claimed multiple times before that the moderators are lying about cheating since they believe that they have reported multiple cheaters in the past, yet a moderator stated that he only reported once.

Unfortunately, we cannot confirm if this statement is right or wrong whatsoever, as the current report system is not very user-friendly.

Moderator claiming only one report in 6 months:
C-Bear referencing the post:
The denial of reports is quite different from the denial of cheating.
@sheckley666 said in #13:
> The denial of reports is quite different from the denial of cheating.
They are related, however, since denying that a report about cheating is allowing the cheaters to not get punished.
@HelicoH said in #6:
> Agree 100% ! I have sent a message to the support about my last game (Ruy Lopez. Morphy Defence. Really complicated opening) and no feed back (He played the game like title guy) :
> 0 inaccuracies / 0 mistakes / 0 blunders / 9 Average centipawn loss / 97% Accuracy for my opponent.
> As usual nothing will be done (I sent severals request for 100% accuracy (25 moves and more) and nothing has been done.
> Maybe it is too complicated to fight cheating. We have to deal with it. No choice.

So one thing I would say about that game is that you shouldn't have resigned. You could have definitely flagged him as he was running out of time and wasn't really speeding up very aggressively.
There are three important reasons that you should have done this. A) you had a LOT more time than him which meant that you could have actually won that game because even if he had sped up he would likely have made significant mistakes given that he seemed to need quite a bit of time per move
B) playing him longer would have given more information as to whether he was cheating or not. For example I would expect a human player in that situation to begin making mistakes but if he was just using the engine he might still make good moves but lose on time quickly. If you DO suspect a cheater never make it easy for them by resigning. Make it easier for Lichess to spot the cheating by continuing and doing your best.
C) You should make it a rule never to resign and play the best game you can for as long as you can. Of course we all do resign at times etc but to maximise your chances always keep playing if you can and in this case you certainly had more than enough material to take advantage of any mistakes going forward.
Just looking at the analysis doesn't really say a lot. Neither you nor your opponent made any "inaccuracies" for the first half of the game but you guys weren't playing the best moves either. Also, in reality there were no ultra complex situations like that in the game.
Plenty of legit games can look like the winner played a perfect game simply because the lines that were taken were not that complex. I myself have had such games where I got exactly those stats but I only played perfectly because we went down a basic line and in that situation my opponent also had very few mistakes except maybe a blunder. That's just like your situation.
I have even had a situation where I played zero blunders zero mistakes and zero innacurracies and ended up with a position where i was down 8 points in computer eval. In this case apart from your blunder it was pretty much even throughout so again it doesn't demonstrate cheating for sure. I myself have had well over 100 victories where I had a 0 0 0 eval but again that is mostly because simple lines were followed.
What would be good would be if lichess published some stats on cheaters etc but given that it is mostly a labor of love it is difficult to see them having the resources to do it.
@HelicoH said in #6:
> Agree 100% ! I have sent a message to the support about my last game (Ruy Lopez. Morphy Defence. Really complicated opening) and no feed back (He played the game like title guy) :
> 0 inaccuracies / 0 mistakes / 0 blunders / 9 Average centipawn loss / 97% Accuracy for my opponent.
> As usual nothing will be done (I sent severals request for 100% accuracy (25 moves and more) and nothing has been done.
> Maybe it is too complicated to fight cheating. We have to deal with it. No choice.

OK, this gets interesting.

I looked through a few of your recent games and found one from 2 days ago where you were playing white. It was a 37 move game that you won, with a score of 0 inaccuracies/0 mistakes/0 blunders and 97% accuracy. Sound familar? Did you report yourself for cheating? Do you think your opponent reported you? Should they have?

We all have games like that every so often. Maybe you're having a good day, or your opponent plays directly into a line you just studied, or plays passively and all your moves are just simple and logical. Conversely, you have a bad day, play directly into a line your opponent knows well and you get blown off the board.

Way too many cheating accusations.
I don't feel being cheated a lot on lichess. Sometimes I suspect someone who starts playing like a god after they blundered, but most of these end up making more mistakes in the long run anyway.
What kind o' person would cheat in a chess game? Chess is a game of intelligent and polite people, why would someone cheat, specially considering that there are no prizes for that?
@Svaryag said in #18:
> What kind o' person would cheat in a chess game? Chess is a game of intelligent and polite people, why would someone cheat, specially considering that there are no prizes for that?

lol, you have no idea about temptation it seems.

But it's not as much of a plague as some salty-ego people like to say.
What is the problem with cheating on Lichess? This site deals better with cheaters than teachers in the exam. People open posts about cheating on Lichess because they get big loss streaks, and that wouldn't happen if you analyze games and see the dude's accuracy and time use to see he's a cheater or not and report him to modos. This type of forum topic should stop, with "lichess vs" and similar.

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