
Which is the best martial art and why?

@Oportunist said in #1:
> Judo,cause u have alot more control to how much damage you will give to opponent,In karate for example u can give alot more damage than u intend with a punch or kick can cause serious damage

One of my teacher was kick boxing. And the average kick boxer he was and others - less skillful than the National Champion friend - were kidding with him. The National Champ was brutally beaten by a bar's customer. You might be the best, if you have no opportunity to see the attack coming it might end badly. Sometimes after the first couple of moves it is already too late.

A coworker who played volleyball at National Level, was KO-ed when he was getting out of the bathroom at the bar. Result, a couple of surgery sessions. Never I would be so stupid to attack that coworker ,cause if you don't succeed you're in big troubles.

All this to say, getting drunk does not make you smarter. ;-)
@colin20g said in #2:
> Choreographied self defense like aikido or sytema won't help in a real fight scenario.
You forgot that fsb uses sistema.
Yeah, it's impossible do anything if you like get a bottle on the head from behind when you're unaware and maybe drunk. Even Bruce Lee could not do anything about that.

Being really good at kick boxing would vastly limit the amount of "dangerous" situations, but you cannot eliminate them.

One of my teachers used to say he thought the best martial art was sprint running. Because even if you're super good, there's always be some amount of risk, and he reckoned that the risk would be lower if you just ran away.

For me martial arts is mainly sports for fun, and also it does give you some amount of security from violence - which tbh is not so needed as it's very rare for most people to get into fights. Like I've never been in one, and I've spent a LOT of time in sorta risky environments. Like going to seedy bars for fun and working in the drugs/hooker street at night for years.

I feel the whole "which martial arts is better" should more be like what do you think is fun as a hobby and is there a nice and affordable club close to where you live.

I'd find it silly if you turn down the nice cheap judo club and instead go to an expensive MMA club with irritating people, because you want to lile be ready for that fight that probably never comes anyway.
@Raspberry_yoghurt said in #15:
> [...]
> One of my teachers used to say he thought the best martial art was sprint running. Because even if you're super good, there's always be some amount of risk, and he reckoned that the risk would be lower if you just ran away.
> For me martial arts is mainly sports for fun, and also it does give you some amount of security from violence - which tbh is not so needed as it's very rare for most people to get into fights. Like I've never been in one, and I've spent a LOT of time in sorta risky environments. Like going to seedy bars for fun and working in the drugs/hooker street at night for years.

Wise teacher!

My version of it a slower one. I would call it Chinese water torture aka "dripping machine" strategy. I was trained to run a marathon per year you had to have endurance and fast marathon pace otherwise you'd be followed for a long period of time.

Back then, I was asked from father of children to help him making sure a man who did wrong things to children could not escape before the cops took care of the idiot.

I told the idiot this:

> Don't even think of running away. I am not the fastest. I run marathons. So you better be able to run for hours..

The guy sat down and waited for the cops. Dunno why the father who was talking with his wife and children and could not hear me asked me this?

> What the hell did you told him?

@bfchessguy said in #9:
> If you goals is self defense, Aikido can be pretty effective. Have you ever been exposed to self defense moves like in this video?

The young woman makes everything look so simple and elegant, I'm really impressed with her defense technique. And how painful the grips must be can be seen in the face of the attacker. He's absolutely helpless, and she could break his arm multiple times.
@Tenakel said in #17:
> The young woman makes everything look so simple and elegant, I'm really impressed with her defense technique. And how painful the grips must be can be seen in the face of the attacker. He's absolutely helpless, and she could break his arm multiple times.

Number 4 is funny, as she casually ties back her hair as the attackers arm potentially snaps. :). lol
In a real life scenario it would be hilarious to see. lol

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