
Variants popularity stats

Extinction chess, kinglet, and diagonal chess would all be nice.

S-chess would be super cool too.
Racing Kings is super fun. Not sure why its not more popular.

Crazyhouse is the best Variant imo.

Antichess....good grief how does ANYONE enjoy it? Yes yes; obviously I suck at it. But, I feel like its not really even a strategy game. Just a game where you memorize the correct moves; as their really arent that many; and then execute them. Heck obviously Im terrible so maybe I just dont get it.
But, in a game where if you are white and you go E3 and then proceed to do all the correct things and you cant possibly lose...well...thats a stupid game imo.
#12 I mostly agree, although memorizing everything is challenging (and if you did memorize everything, I suspect people would label you a cheater).
Racing Kings is great , but players don't seem to appreciate it. Maybe because it differs greatly from standard chess , maybe because of the "no checks allowed" rule.
My friend FischyVishy is organizing a series of tournaments to make it more popular , with great prizes ($6,000 for the first tournament of the series).
Yes , yes , six thousand is correct...
It is worth noting that GM Seirawan, the inventor of S-chess, is a frequent player on lichess (@yasser-seirawan). According to Seirawan, Hikaru Nakamura (who is a friend of his) is a fan of the variant as well.
Yasser plays Crazyhouse against the great JannLee and the other masters. He improves dramatically week after week , he is now 5th with a rating of 2634!
Defenetly, Yasser would probably go crazy for S-chess on Lichess.
@rickrenegade ,
The tournament will take place on Lichess.
The details will be decided by FischyVishy.
I do nothing , but help him send messages to the community (the problem here is that in Racing Kings there are many rating-sitters and "invisible" players who play only correspondence games with beginners).

Please join this group for further info...

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