
New Puzzles are here!

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I like the new puzzles much more than the others.

Merry Christmas all
This is awesome. Great job!!! Question: Will there be a way sometime soon to see our puzzle history just like you can see the games you've played?
I have a small concern in that a very "deep" engine line may not be the most instructive for puzzles. For example, in limited testing, I came across several puzzles where let's say White is down a piece, and there's a single line to recover the piece (everything else loses), and it is +1.5 evaluation after (obviously I do not have a deep comp, so an NNUE engine may see +10 way down the road). Still, I think that increased depth may lead to lost crispness.

However, the topical splits are wonderful!
just tried it out and got +2 for solving a puzzle but -42 for failing at the next puzzle. The puzzle rating system can be very discouraging...imo
The themed puzzles are great! Any chance we can get to play a mix of puzzle themes in the future?

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