
which level player defeat stockfish level 6 easily

NHL I seen your games comparison to mine is this your point?

Did you see the game I played (the first game) with black and how I won all of his pieces maybe even all of them? THATS a checkmate :)

By the way the same is true for game 2 with the white pieces. Can you spot it? I bet you can.


And a big congradulations to me too huh. I am still afraid of difficulty level 8 but I bet you'd prove me wrong huh.

Thank you
He his sure good with tactics huh. A very mean statement very true but extremely good play I thought you wantede to say something.

I am sure he could easily defeate majority of computer engines relatively easily on an extremely fast computer.

By the way thanks for your comments.
I tell you what I'm going to make a thread about my games. They are probably the best 2 games you'll see here.
I was curious how tough sf6 was and i managed to get the best of him in my first attempt, so I think it's level 7 which becomes super tough
Going back to the initial question about the approximate Stockfish "level 6" playing strength on Lichess:

This is the level I very often play against Stockfish, because it suits my current playing/training strength best - so I'll write about my experiances with that level...

I don't play against the clock, because I want to think deeply about all the positions. My score against it is about 1-2 wins out of 5 games (no takeback!, like in a serious tournament game).

The games mostly follow the same pattern: Stockfish plays about 1-2 inaccuracys in the first 10-15 moves. I try to play as solid (but active) as possible and also try to spot those incoming inaccuracys. If I manage to spot them, Stockfish slowly but surely gets into a worse position and then at some point blunders. If I don't spot them, the game either leads to a draw or I maybe blunder and get crushed pretty quickly.

I started playing chess in a club 2 years ago - playing my first season in the 2nd lowest german league on the last board (8). To that time I had no rating. After the season I reached the rating of 1535 DWZ. In the current season I'm happy to play on the first board and I think until now my playing strength increased a bit.
So my current playing strength is about 1500-1600 DWZ (german leagues) which may also be approximately 1500 ELO (FIDE).

Compared with that, I think Stockfish on level 6 is about 1600-1700 ELO (FIDE).

Btw, keep in mind that ELO (FIDE) is not compareable with ELO (Lichess). If one has a 1600 Lichess-rating, in my opinion that person pretty surely will very often be crushed by a 1600 FIDE player over the board.

He's not so bad at level 6. There isn't any differences between his playing strength and this is why. In fact he is suggested as the strongest computer program there is some times, even the greatest of all of these super computer chess programs. Did you know I got him best probably in my 2 games? There's a thread for that.

Despite all of this being true he remains the greatest but again my opinion.

He is very great but you must know a win against level 1 should put you as the world's best player. End of discussion.

You shouldn't ever be capable of any wins against level 2. End of discussion.

The original question also has not much more flexibility. Since there isn't much more to it. In fact, it is a pretty pointless topic.

Very interesting though. They say if you can beat him you should be world champion.
@Penguinimgm1 said in #18:
> He's not so bad at level 6. There isn't any differences between his playing strength and this is why. In fact he is suggested as the strongest computer program there is some times, even the greatest of all of these super computer chess programs. Did you know I got him best probably in my 2 games? There's a thread for that. He is very great but you must know a win against level 1 should put you as the world's best player. End of discussion.
> You shouldn't ever be capable of any wins against level 2. End of discussion.
You beated level TWO (=2), NOT SIX (=6).
@Penguinimgm1 said in #18:
> He's not so bad at level 6. There isn't any differences between his playing strength and this is why.

@Penguinimgm1 I'm sorry, I really don't understand a single word of your writing. To me it sounds like, You don't really understand how the Stockfish-Engine works.

> Did you know I got him best probably in my 2 games? There's a thread for that.

You sound like you are very proud of beating Stockfish on level 2 - fine, but...

The Stockfish-Engine on Lichess works like the following:
Level 1: Patzer - Blunders all the way
Level 2: Still a patzer - Blunders almost all the way (=> This is the level, where you beat him and "took all his pieces" - bravo)
Level 5: Low Club-Level
Level 6: Medium Club-Level (I'm pretty sure it will crush you on this level almost every time - and btw. the topic of this thread)
Level 7: Very Strong
Level 8: Veeeery strong

> Very interesting though. They say if you can beat him you should be world champion.
Maybe, try it on level 8... ;)

Have fun!

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