
Round Robin Tournament

Have you tried something like ...
Maybe you can leave your cam on while you're playing an OTB game with your friends.
There you go, your club is now working like before, except probably more than a few hundred meters apart.
And you get to socialize, by saying your moves to your club members.

By the way, ...

The Lichess site is phenomenal !
Thibault Duplessis and his team are the best !
They have lot's of talent ! others too ...
Big thumbs up to custom Swiss and/or Round Robin tournaments. That would be such an immense improvement of lichess.
A way to organize round robin tournament (with for instance one game per week) with Google Sheets and Calendar could be this:

Create a tournament table with name and email addresses in Google Sheets

Set dates for each game

Apply a script that can create google calendar events for each pairing and invite also the tournament organizer to be able to monitor progress.

Give players the flexibility to agree alternative date and time via calendar updating

Check this script :
I am not able to get this done... looking for someone to take on the challenge
Who could help here?

In addition to the Swiss tournaments, there is also good news for those of us who are expecting Round Robin tournaments: the developers of Lichess are already working on implementing this feature.


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