
Why did this happen?

Don't get why we are so insistent upon forcing the ToS on my man, as this situation is justified to use it. It's a matter of one coincidental engine use and we shouldn't try to push it past that. Regardless of what happens next, I wish you good luck in your tournament!
@Koustav123456 why should we care about your tournament? Don't blame the tournament for your cheating.
Also, trying to justify your cheating because it was a "long game" is pretty stupid. Wouldn't you say that classical OTB matches are long? Why don't you just cheat there too then?

Also @NoobBatter he literally admitted that it was his way of preparing, meaning; he did it more than once.
Technically what you did is cheating. Let me ask you this? Where exactly would you draw the line in saying "Engine Analysis is cheating?"

You think after 7 moves it is not cheating. Fair enough you are 100% correct that this is a line that has probably been played hundreds or thousands of times and there is tons fo theory behind it.

How about on move 10? Is it still not cheating? only a few more moves what's the worry?

Well, maybe just use that engine up to move 15 then? That's still part of the opening right?

Keep going... it's a slippery slope!
Well technically it is 'cheating', because a rated game is going on, and I am using an engine. But my point is, this correspondence game isn't the only one I am playing. What if I am playing let's say, some other match? Maybe it's important. I'd 100% prepare for an OTB game with an engine every time; everyone does that. I don't understand the confusion here. The thing is, when this line was played against me, I suddenly remembered that I had forgotten to check this, and I was going to Analyze The Opening, not cheat of course.

I do understand that it technically is cheating, but again, it seems rather vague to me. Am I supposed to stop preparing any openings while a correspondence game is going on? The most reasonable suggestion that appeared here was probably that I should play something other than my normal repertoire, or that I should perhaps stop playing correspondence games while there are OTB tournaments. That's fair, but this time I saw a challenge and just accepted the game. I still don't believe that this is in any way cheating.... top players probably make 30 moves full engine moves, just because it is their preparations.... is that supposed to be cheating as well? It is indeed a slippery slope.
#42 I'd advise you to actually perhaps see the game, and perhaps read what I wrote, before posting rubbish. A classical OTB game cannot even be compared to a correspondence game... it goes on for maximum 6 hours, while a correspondence game can take months. Of course I won't prepare during a classical game, but after the game and before the next round everyone prepares, and so would I. A classical tournament could end while a correspondence game goes on.

Many of you seem to not be even reading the original post when commenting.
This is amazing ...So many people ....... and some of them don't need to discuss by the virtue of their capabilities and position. The discussion goes on.....If I playing against Kasparov and Kasparov refers to the engine on move 24 (not move 7 or u can have it the other way round) , I would be very happy to claim the point by the virtue of the rules. Just imagine @Koustav123456 that if there are 2 of you playing against each other, then where it might lead to as both of you would be very serious about the tournament that is coming up. It would not lead to the desired results by Lichess: end of story. Now if we doing things which is not in line with Lichess then, Lichess has the right of way. Its as simple as that....Good Luck for your Tournament
Here's to clarify:
@Koustav123456 Was the lichess analysis board intended to aid you in the correspondence game, or to aid you in your personal opening repertoire?
It was to aid in my personal opening repertoire, but I remembered to check the line only when I saw it was played in that game. I had overlooked the line in my preparations before.
An engine was used in a lichess game and detected.I am still confused as to how any other unrelated extraneous activity can be an excuse.
I would appreciate enlightenment.

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