
Women's Tournament

16 members

“The game of chess is a lake in which a mosquito can bathe and an elephant can drown.”

"Chess holds its master in its own bonds, shaking the mind and brain so that the inner freedom of the very strongest must suffer.”

“When the game is over, the king and pawn go into the same box.”

For an hour lesson with really young kids, usually I teach them for the first half hour and then play against them for the last half hour, usually giving away pieces so they learn how to capture – and letting them win, of course. On the sixth lesson with one five-year old girl, her mom told me that after the last lesson her daughter was really quiet in the back seat. Her mom asked her what was wrong. She was really pensive and concerned and said, “I’ve played Mr. Todd five times now and beaten him every time. I really don’t think he is very good.”


3rd Women's Tournament10+5 • Rapid • Rated7 rounds Swiss