
Search "user:ruf012"

10 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Motiv#1

Motiv Eine Bezeichnung besteht aus 5 Teilen. Jeder kann auch entfallen oder als eigene Bezeichnung erscheinen. Teil 1 Ziffern 0..n ------------------------------- 0a-K/B -K nimmt /B nicht. 10z'' in ze…

Lichess Feedback - note-taking(Mitschreibeformular)#14

Sybotes: OP means "original poster" ruf012: Thanks for the explanation. Sybotes: In was für einem Zustand befindet sich die Welt, wenn die "schachliche Sicht mit der Handbewegung stark verbunden" ist?…

Lichess Feedback - note-taking(Mitschreibeformular)#11

being Austrian. - yes. only fluent in German. - let's say yes. The English text is from an online translator. - yes. Being German is of no use for this. - For what reason? maybe it's double-translated…

Lichess Feedback - note-taking(Mitschreibeformular)#6

Thank you for this presentation. By replacing the mouse by buttons should the mind slow down, which shouldn't be bad. This means that longer periods of reflection are necessary. Minimuum 30min, or 4mi…

Lichess Feedback - note-taking(Mitschreibeformular)#3

Line feeds should make the text easier to read. A process is shown here with individual steps. In between, press the ESC key. --------------------------------------------------- Zeilenvorschübe sollte…

Lichess Feedback - note-taking(Mitschreibeformular)#1

a) P looks at the diagram, thinks chess,sets the mouse pointer from a field to others, mostly stays with that look at the modified diagram. Possibly here already the chess point of view with the hand …

Lichess Feedback - simple 4min/move#1

(GO-server time to think, simple 4min/move relaxing, why not with Chess-servers.

Lichess Feedback - Live simply#4

Antwort. |Ist deine Verbindung in Österreich so schlecht Die Verbindung von dem Rechner, den ich gerade sehe und dem Programm lichess ist hinreichend, wie die Partien gezeigt haben. ---- |dass du mehr…

Lichess Feedback - Live simply#1

Message from admin to ruf012. 'In your game history, you have several games where you have left the game or just let the time run out instead of playing or resigning. This can be very annoying for you…

Lichess Feedback - mental thinking time#1

wishful thinking, per player, 30 min minimum thinking time, and no less. reason: With shorter thinking time, more men tal ov er l o a d. ---------------------------------------------------------------…
