
Search "user:devo901"

5 forum posts
Game analysis - Rating a puzzle (mate in 2)#1

Hello, This puzzle (white to move - mate in 2) was in a newspaper recently and marked as "very easy". Now I know the answer, …

Lichess Feedback - Why is the engine so slow to load?#5

I have a question - when I turn on Stockfish, does the calculation come from my local machine, or is the workload coming from

General Chess Discussion - Beginner Analysis Question - "why are certain moves are better than mine"#6

@paul37 thank you for your time and thoughts, appreciate it. @RedFlagYellowStar "I did'nt see stockfish predict 22 moves" I take the FEN and elaboate just this position in in a new tab, on a…

General Chess Discussion - Beginner Analysis Question - "why are certain moves are better than mine"#3

thank you for your comment, well it is not about a specific game .... I ll run into this every time when I analyze a game ... I wonder WHY does Mr.Stockfish rate other moves way better than mine. I do…

General Chess Discussion - Beginner Analysis Question - "why are certain moves are better than mine"#1

Hello I am new... I understand that analysis is the key to understand my flaws in playing. But I am not sure I am getting the most out of it....I understand that #3 is better than +8,3 is better than …
