
Search "user:Aquatech1"

20 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Why Black wins less often ?#6

White opens the game. Black responds. White has 20 possible openings. For ANY opening white makes, black has an effective response, resulting in equal chances of reaching a draw. Not winning, reaching…

General Chess Discussion - Cheaters make you worse at chess.#9

All I heard is blah blah blah. You've managed to convince yourself, and maybe a few other people. Good luck with your cheater hunting.

General Chess Discussion - Players that not move in a losing position#14

ScaccoLento, if you don't agree with the rules, fund your own chess website and ban every player from it. Maybe then you will feel better.

General Chess Discussion - Cheaters make you worse at chess.#7

To #5 watermelontrip. The 10 percent cheater rate that is so obvious to you, is just that, heresay, your personal opinion, baseless accusation, unsupported by any true evidence. You are just below 200…

General Chess Discussion - 2 new points about cheating scum.#9

I like your analogy of the guy who steals free food at the party. And the crowd is peaceful too. Until a jerk arrives and tackles the free food thief to the ground and bloodies his nose.

General Chess Discussion - Players that not move in a losing position#10

There is no reason to report players who did not break any rules. You agreed to dedicate 15 minutes of your time to your opponent? Then be a man/woman, and tough it out. If it's a casual game (no poin…

General Chess Discussion - 2 new points about cheating scum.#6

People cheat - that's reality. People cheat to win Olympic gold medals, championships, tournaments, playoffs, superbowls, finals, etc... People cheat. Because their incentive usually involves earning …

General Chess Discussion - Am I a jerk?#24

You might be a jerk - if that is your life philosophy. But if you fight to the bitter end, that does not make you a bad person. It makes you a fighter, someone who does not roll over at the slightest …

General Chess Discussion - How to report an anonymous player? #4

Guys, lets put all of our considerable financial resources together and help this guy out!!! Lets hire a super expensive programmer and implement a code to track anon players who have a potty mouth, w…

General Chess Discussion - General bash on cheaters.#5

Poor kid... hating and wishing death upon people he's never met because he thinks the other guy is cheating. Imagine what happens when he really gets upset. That's the kind of guy you kick out of the …
