
Lichess Chess Training Routine feature

It is not unusual to see people asking "how to improve in chess", "how to get better in chess" and so on.
I have a fitness app, which tells how to train or how long to train.
I think it is a good idea to implement a feature like that app.
Lets say someone has 3 days a week time to study chess.
This new feature should manage his study.
1 day 1 hour or 20 puzzles
2 day 1 hour endgame practice
3 day 1 hour online games or tournament.
What do you think about it ?
Do you need it to tell you when to defecate as well?
I dont find these apps really usefull because I know what I want to do or not to do depending on how I feel that particular day.

We can give people an advice or two of how to improve but a strict plan is a nonsense. It must be connected with your body ( in this case brain ) and mind.
Doing 1 hour of some kind of practice which you dont enjoy or it hurts is not good. It only leads to the opposite results and frustration.
You guys might not need it. But there are many people who would love to have a plan like that. Some people do take chess seriously.

Did you expect only positive opinions about your idea?
I understand you suppose that if you do something what you like to do except for what the app will tell you to do, you call it not serious?
Yes, we are all gods creatures.
Positive or negative is not important to me.But I think you are missing the point completely.
The app would be just an organizer plus more. It might help you to achieve your goals, but it would NOT force you at gunpoint to complete..
Curriculum Design for the Lichess study section:
Maybe an image of the Bloom's Taxonomy ladder is required in the Lichess Study section to help build a useful and well organised study section.

If we set-up our own personal chess curriculum, then we should use a guide like the Bloom's taxonomy.

It would be useful to have a Lichess study planning template that is sorted by level of thinking. (Study title Example)
Lesson Level 1: Remember Chess principles and methods.
Lesson level 2: Understand Chess facts
Lesson level 3: Apply Chess Strategies
Lesson level 4: Analyse Chess Components
Lesson Level 5 : Evaluate Chess Material Values
Lesson Level 6: Create Chess Combinations

Maybe reviewing the wiki Bloom's taxonomy could help to get more ideas in building a useful Lichess study section.
It's hilarious that you ask "What do you think about it ?" and then immediately bash people who voice honestly what they thought about it.

@Toscani: I really like that flow model! Let me know if such a study comes true. :)

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