
To the developers

I just want to say that I really love this website. I've been using it since 2010 and have watched it turn into what it is now. The interface is so smooth compared to clunky It seems that every time I use the site something happens or catches my eye that just impresses me and keeps me coming back. I'm eagerly trying to learn more code so I can contribute.

me too. i only discovered the site the other day and im loving it already. best of all, membership is free. unlike the other supposedly "best" site. I believe internet chess should be fun and not turn into a money making racket. To discourage "free riders" who are not really club or serious hobby players, a way to eliminate inactive accounts can be easily designed.
The project Lichess is an impressive.
According to the developer's idea.
Is a simple and transparent.
A lot of interesting details.
There are things which do not have other pages but there are not also items from other pages of chess.
Each chess page is different.
There is nothing to complain about.
There are still some minor details to refine.
To sum up the project appreciate as a good.
So is this like the "#1 Best Seller Books" labeled paperbacks where the first couple of pages contain fruity language designed to persuade with praise?

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