
I started getting unsolicited emails from lichess

I wanted to see that App too, but was to lazy, because I use PC to play mostly
@MouseSlip said in #11:
> I signed into the new App using my only lichess account credentials, the one using a completely different gmail acount.
to download adndroid app you needed to visit that link and ( and use email there ) first as thread says, I don't know how and what is there , but these are exact google groups , that are mentioned in your screenshot
or maybe on android you were using your original google account too( by signing somewhere), that is commonly used while android memorized it and using to sign in by default) so that's why messages are redirected there
@aVague said in #13:
> to download adndroid app you needed to visit that link and ( and use email there ) first as thread says, I don't know how and what is there , but these are exact google groups , that are mentioned in your screenshot

You're right. I quickly clicked through all that stuff and completely forgot about it.
Case solved, indeed. Thank you!
@MouseSlip said in #15:
> You're right. I quickly clicked through all that stuff and completely forgot about it.
> Case solved, indeed. Thank you!
Much Pleasure!

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