
i love life but i dont like the world

For some unfathomable reason people admire and follow people that are mentally ill. The appropriate position of these, so called, leaders is in a padded cell.

I believe the world will only be worse. AI will create an enormous amount of propaganda that people will believe in and follow.

The only hope we have is to educate people on how to recognize false information, propaganda etc.
@Oportunist said in #2:
> we created systems that lead to suffering

Hubris. Evolution is much older than we are, and it is what's making life forms suffer and die everywhere it goes. It requires death to function.
Life’s not meant to be easy but Im not suffering and the majority of people I know aren’t either
We must choose to accept and use the opportunities for growth and development.
> We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light.
> Plato.

the cave metaphor can be very useful to read for this forum.

it is just as difficult to live in society as it is to keep society alive.

Fitting in and adapting to a society can be difficult and no one wants to be an outcast. the problem is that Athenian democracy had a rather unequal system, where women and foreigners did not have voting rights, and where slavery existed. the educational system of Athenian society is much less glorious than we imagine. therefore, there was bound to be a large percentage of people who could not participate in society. and unfortunately, the dogma was sufficiently well established that no one was surprised by the lack of equality. the Athenian system was rather corrupt, since politicians and strategists did not hesitate to make family alliances or to assert their blood ties. For an average Athenian, other than living your life and voting, you don't matter to society.
you were just another ant.

although the philosophers are at the origin of the ideas which influence the Athenian democracy, they have a philosophical point of view, that is to say a sort of utopia of the search for the model society where the intellect triumphs. unfortunately this quest is fruitless, but rich in lessons.

so be an enlightened philosopher rather than an ant in the anthill.
Psychopaths, basically is the root cause of the dreadful mess we are in, that's my opinion anyway.

They have over many decades created a world wide control.

And us ordinary folk have much trouble fighting back due to the fact that we ourselves enforce our own incarceration due to needing to eat and have a place to live etc, all this costs money, and there in lies the problem, as we obviously go to work in any number of jobs, and so have little time on our hands to join the dots as it were, and realise who our real enemy's are.

Add to this Jobsworth, sycophantic, psychopathic personalities in any work place you care to mention, (especially the upper echelons of society /the elites etc who direct this disgusting show we are in from the top down to the nasty bit of work, you work with at your place of work, and that's where we are at, I think anyway. :).
I am not sure if world is suffering but one thing is pure suffering missing the good old childhood days.

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