
Chess stories and careers

♦When did you start playing chess? How old were you?
What motivated you?

♦For how long do you play? How much time do you dedicate to chess?

♦When did you notice that you started to improve and with what? What are the main differences between you NOW and a few months ago?

♦How long did it take to get to your rating?

♦ What are your main problems now and the difficulties that you had to overcome before?

New players...professional players...doesn't matter!
Share with us your chess history, and the impact that it has in your life :)
* I started when I was about 7, when a teacher at school suggested I join the school chess club.

* I'm in my mid-20's now. I spent quite a lot of time on chess when I was a kid, playing in tournaments frequently. By the time I was about 16, I had stopped playing otb altogether. Ever since, I've only played online. I don't dedicate any time to studying the game, I mostly just come on for the odd bullet match.

* When I started I improved pretty rapidly, as kids often do. I had a computer chess board, and I guess not everyone had them at that time. This helped a lot initially... I was able to beat the top player at the school club on the very first day I joined. However... I don't think I've improved much recently. One doesn't tend to go on improving forever, and after a while you kind of hit a brick wall.

* I don't think I've improved significantly since I stopped playing otb.

* One is the lack of tournaments in my area, I have to travel over 100 miles for most tournaments. Another... well, I'm not sure I could ever be consistent enough to play at the highest level. So I'm not sure I would feel it was truly worth it.
Captain Kristo
I am not a Master on Lichess,a lot of people know me,
I'm member of PCCF,
Last time We promote chess among children and...
I recommend Liches:-)
Holidays,is the best time for this:-)
When I start playing chess?I don't remember,
I spend a lot of on Lichess,
I have 5th Chess Category in Poland,
Last time lessons of chess give me children,They are amazing:-)
Problems?Drunk during the game,I fight with it

Cheers to all


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