
Queens traded, you don't have to castle?

Hello lichess comunity, I'm a beginner and I want to improve in my chess strenght. I don't know to much of theory, so in this game I traded queens and after that I was looking at the stockfish analysis and when I castle it shows that I lose advantage.

So my question is: After the queens are traded, I don't have to castle because the kings are stronger in the center?
Without the queens and with that closed center your king is strong on e2. You just need to make sure the diagonal a6-f1 is not gonna be a problem. Instead of castling the engine wants to play a4 to secure the bishop on c4 (b5 and Ba6 could be a problem if your king were on e2). However I don't think castling is so bad.
It all depends on your opponents pieces, if you leave your king in the center — can he attack you there? Rule of thumb when there are still rooks and minor pieces on the board it's a bit risky leaving the king in the center. In your game if you keep your king on e2 I can envision later Black annoying you with Ba6+, but will it be bad? — can't know for sure.

Btw, SF doesn't criticize your castling as it is. It just sees that on move 10 castling is not so vital and opts for developing — 10. b3 to get the dark-square bishop out (after moving a2-a4) as c1-h6 diagonal is blocked or 10. a4 to prevent b5 (black is gaining a bit of space) or simple 10. Nbd2.

I'd personally play 10. a4 because it's multipurpose.
thank you so much for your answers! Now I've learned more from my own game :)

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