
Standard Rating?

This standard rating discourages people to try out other time controls (bullet, blitz, classical) in fear of losing 'standard' rating points. But what is it, really? I believe it was for a total skill (all time controls) sum up. But in that case it's not very effective, for example my (current) rating in standard is 1891 and all other time control ratings are 1500. And my standard rating is also 1891 - which is no different to my classic rating, strangely, since it is supposed to take into account my bullet & blitz (even though I haven't played any rated of those).
Thanks, Clarkey. This website is getting better every time I go on!
Also, just to explain why your Standard is equal to your classical, Standard is a weighted average of your bullet, blitz, and classical ratings.

Basically, it's ((classical rating * number of classical games)+(blitz rating * number of blitz ratings)+(bullet rating * number of bullet games))/(total number of games, bullet, blitz, and classical)

So, in your case, since you've only played classical games, the bullet and blitz parts of that formula are just 0, so the formula for you collapses to (classical rating * number of classical games)/(number of classical games), which is of course just going to be your classical rating :)
Eh, "blitz ratings" should be "blitz games".

I keep telling myself to have a cup of coffee before typing or speaking in public in the mornings. I should listen to myself :)
@Tournaments: since you did not play any bullet or blitz games yet, there's nothing to incorporate in the calculation of your Standard Rating except for the classical games you played. Hence your Standard rating = your classical rating.

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