
Pieces lag behind a cursor.

When you move a cursor, your piece that you dragged with it lags a bit behind the cursor. May be it's possible to make some changings so pieces would move exactly with the same speed as cursor? Like icons on a desktop of the operating system.
Or may be it's possible to do something on my side. Is here somebody who has no piece lagging? And your pieces move exactly with your cursor, no matter what speed of last-mentioned is?
The pieces are synchronized as fast as your browser can keep up with it.
I watched the game of chessbrahs, and I also saw there that a piece lags a bit behind cursor. So it cannot be exactly underneath the cursor. So it's not only for me.
But, when I drag any other object on lichess, for example, your nickname "Unihedron" in this topic (white rounded rectangle appears with your nickname, and a link below), it moves exactly underneath the cursor. Also any other objects, folders in my operating system move exactly underneath.
But why then pieces cannot move exactly underneath?
Is it possible to do something?
As I understand, it's because of fps. So an object lags on some amount of fps. Is it possible to increase the number of fps on the chess board?
It might have to do with whether the body of the page has an onmousemove="changePos(event)" or individual spans do (from my experiments with this I don't think a div can have one.) There could be a performance penalty here with a lag.
Here is an illustrative example. It moves still smoothly, but lags. Floating behind the cursor. (Red point here is an analogy of a chess piece).
#7 If you can proof-of-concept a fix (or show us a site where it "works better") that would help...

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