
Stockfish Rating levels underrated?

In my opinion, it is the case with any chess engine that the actual Elo is about 200 Elo points above the stated Elo. This being so because
Elo of a computer = Stated Elo + (Additional Elo for SUPREME accuracy)

the accuracy of stockfish at level 5 is legendary, therefore would I be right in assuming the ACTUAL elo of Stockfish level 5 isnt 1700, but 1900-2000?
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Level 7 is definitely underrated in open positions but if you get into an equal endgame with a solid system it often blunders. Overall I'd say level 7 and 8 are slightly underrated. Maybe level 5 also.
AI 7 is easyish if you can get a closed position, and prevent it from castling.
some time ago i was able to beat regularly level 5, recently i had more trouble. That's also because i don't pay much attention when i play the computer and i play too fast. My rating there is currently 1775 and level 5 in some period seems stronger than me and in other periods it seems weaker. Also i'm not absolutely sure about my own rating, recently it is increasing but i don't know what to expect. Anyway, while i can compete with level 5, i find level 6 is absolutely accurate. I've lost dozens of games to it and at best i can sometime make a draw, but i think it's difficult i will ever beat it.
Recently I played with Stockfish. Level 3 - 1500. Level 4 - 1600. Level 5 - 1700.
I passed them quite easily.
But Level 6 is 1900 I can't go.
I think he's playing at 2100-2200 rating Lichess.
As with Lichess players 2100-2200 I lose.
i think level 5 is certainly better than 1700 but probably should not exceed 1800 or 1850, so it can be 1750 or 1780 or 1815, something in this range. level 6 is definitely stronger than me, should definitely be more than 2000. In a former discussion i tried to ask for an intermediate version between level 5 and level 6.
Shouldn't Stock fish at max level be over 3000+? Or do they purposely limit it so you can beat it at any level?
Start playing with Level 1 then Level 2 and so on.
You'll notice that Stockfish makes mistakes.
With Level 6 he has no obvious errors.
Maybe Level 8 playing at 2900-3000.
It does not issue from the start.
I saw Lance5500 - rating 2500-2600 to lose a lot of games in a row. If the forces were equal the score could be 10-0.
Should ask Lance5500 what he thinks about it?

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