
Carlsen versus Nepomniachtchi: FIDE World Championship Round 6

M Carlsen has better pawns structures from the begining of this tournament. He has finally won a game in using of this advantage. The smart game of M Nepomniachtchi is not sufficient. He is always defending himself and using clever movements in counter attacks. But the patience of M Carlsen is superior. He's very impressive. Psychologicaly, he is a rock while we can feel that M Nepomniachtchi has a complex of inferiority. M Carlsen should have loosing this game after having exchange the queen against two rooks. But he has been so precise that he has realised the impossible. Even if he has weaknesses in his game, he will win this tournament.
@kazdenis said in #37:
> Respect for Carlsen, true warrior. Nepo didn't take seriously this tournament, I think.
Umm hello there is a 2,000,000 prize fund and also the world champion title on the line
@Sarg0n said in #38:
> In German we call games >100 moves "Seeschlange" (sea snake). Except for Dutch (zee slang?) are there any other languages who are using this?

I did not know that expression. Never had such a long game OTB, though.
@Sarg0n Vielen Dank für den Hinweis. In Deinem Artikel ist allerdings von einer "Seeschlange von 91 Zügen" die Rede. Schaut also so aus, als wäre Deine Definition nicht überall in Stein gemeißelt. Vielleicht ist mein längstes Spiel am Brett (89 Züge) ja doch fast des Begriffs würdig.

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