
Chess marathon tournament

I'm considering creating a 24h long tournament, called a chess marathon.
The time control would probably be 5+0.

What do you think, would you participate?
Sounds interesting. Of course One could opt out and join back in whenever he wants, right?
I guess the winner will be the one, who spent most time in the tournament.
Yeah you can withdraw, sleep, and rejoin later, without losing your former ranking and score.
i think thats a great idea, the date should be called long in advance so that you can prepare your day and yourself for that...
i think guys like kingscrusher or chessnetwork would like that idea aswell, they are crazy that way ;)
It would be nice if it is in the school holidays. In Germany the first week of August would perfectly fit in.
AN EXCELLENT IDEA!!! I think the time factor #6 indicated is important......
that sounds sooooooooooo epic. Would love to see that happen!
I wouldn't do it without any concrete prizes, like cash or a cool trophy. At least some recognition is deserved. :)

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