
CIA: Continuing Issues @ Accusations... ETHICS???

"To report a user for cheating or bad behaviour, use the report form."

WHY do we see the names of people coming under scrutiny/ being investigated in the forum posts of the CIA?

Out of curiosity, I checked the posting of one of the people I follow... This CIA post showed the name of someone 'under scrutiny'. Basically, the problem is that there is no 'cloak' for you guys to speak w/o making accusations that can be seen by the public...

I see 2 solutions: 1) Special programming to 'cloak' CIA/ ?other team postings OR 2) CIA members might do all/ more of their work through the 'note' system.... As always, the challenge is to handle power/ good intentions ethically
@Isaiah4031 #1

I consider this a bug.

In my opinion Lichess should have private, member-only, groups and public groups.

Right now it's blurry.
Thank you --- i spoke privately w/ rise_UIED and i know that the vast majority of the team members have similar concerns.... As always, I am thankful for the great features of this site and great people that are on it. I am sure the developers/ coders are aware of the problem and at some point TIME & RESOURCES will allow them to address the issue
Man, you make us CIA members sound like a badass special elite force, when in fact we're mostly just there to present suspicious cases and encounters to the community, to let them help determine engine-play or not ...

As far as I'm concerned, noone of the members has anything to hide. He/she decided to sign up and play Chess with others, and being publicly decried by honest sportsmen for cheating and thereby wasting everybody's time is fair game. Serves them right, as I got no sympathy towards crooks. If someone is falsely accused when in fact he played purely by the capacity of his own intellect, receive it like a compliment and shrug it off.
The Lichess administration does not care about the CIA's actions. The CIA is not part of and is in no way related to the Lichess authority, despite that CIA members may act like authoritarians. Lichess does not care about the CIAs' existence and has no need to promote its powers, nor does it matter whether their members uses notes, the forums, or nothing at all.
holy shit the CIA has hacked lichess?

sigh, I figured they would, it's open source and they probably have an entire team working on exploits

idk this kind of sucks guess i will stop posting on the forums

btw @CIA: you claim to fighting terrorism yet you yourselves commit terrorism on a daily basis as part of your mission routines. Please stay out of the rest of the world and lichess as well
#5 then the point stands that if it is against the Lichess forum rules to post accusations of cheating then the entire group is in violation of those rules. Conversely, if you don't want to punish the entire group for doing something they consider noble, then the forums should be private. I believe you missed the entire point of the first post of this thread...
#6 ROFLMAO! I surely hope that post was sattire because if it was, it was amazing. If not, just to clarify for you, the CIA being referred to here is the Cheater Investigation Association or somesuch.

Lichess would be a better place without CIA - thats for sure!

Besides that: Just notice that almost all players who are mentioned in CIA-Forum sooner or later are caught as cheaters. Its hard to find any exceptions.


I suppose your mission is to wipe out any player organization that is concerned about cheating. You repeat yourself over and over again in any thread about this issue.

But I have to tell you: As long as there is cheating there are always also players who are concerned about it - if you like it or not. I may be stupid that I try to fight against windmills, thats possible of course. But I cant stop it because its my way to deal with the problem. Otherwise I have to quit online chess immediately.

I think that without something like CIA there would be much more angry postings about cheating issues on lichess. So just see this as some kind of lightning conductor. We try to keep the "witch-hunt" under control by using objective arguments.

And of course Unihedron is absolutely right: Teams are totally useless on lichess and have no real meaning. CIA is no exception... why should it be the case?

Best wishes
IM glad there is someone who outs cheaters. and to Plawo, if ONLY IT WAS that US torturing fascist military agency thingy.. instead of murdering civilians and causing wars, they would be making lichess cheaters disappear weeee ^^

rise_UIED said it best, there is no more need to mong about abt such things.

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