

<Comment deleted by user>
Just report it to the staff What’s the purpose crying out loud?
@Sarg0n said in #2:
> Just report it to the staff

Good idea. I just reported the two Players.
@GR77plus said in #1:
> Today two Rapidgames... my opponents made at all 50 Moves... no mistake, no blunder and a accurancy of 93 % and 97 %.

This is not a great metric tool to find a cheater, didn't take me long to find a game where you had >95% accuracy yourself.

Looking at your first game you walked into an opening trap that your opponent has played over >50 times before. He can probably play that game blindfolded, and it's not hard to make any major mistakes anymore after you are already +10 ahead in engine evaluation. I have plenty of games like this in my history.

Looking at your second game it looks like your opponent played almost only natural moves except for 16. Nxg7 maybe which might be more of a lucky find at that rating, but sometimes your opponents will just happen find a sacrifice that was correct even when they (probably) didn't calculate it through, so I'd just give him the benefit of the doubt. Be careful with trading pieces on the king column before you castled.

(Just saw your last post. I wouldn't expect your reports to go anywhere as they probably weren't cheaters. Good luck in your future games.)
more examples of why the acc metric should never have been introduced

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