
(no) fairplay

I just played the following game, unrated. At move 11 my opponent played 0-0-0 and asked for a takeback, which I accepted immediately. In my last move I prepared Bxe3, which is obvious and completely winning. But when my opponet moved, my bishop stopped on g5, don't know why. I asked for a takeback, even explained via chat and waited for my whole remaining time ...

It's just extremely disappointing to meet such people. I have no words for this. Just cannot believe it.
This is why you don't accept takebacks and you turn on move confirmation so you don't make move-entry mistakes yourself.
You play blitz with move confirmation? For me it's hard to imagine.
Not accept takebacks at all, just because of some idiots? I'm not sure if this is the solution. We should have some friendly atmosphere, at least in my opinion. Why not allow to take back, when it's an obvious technical issue? And this was even unrated!
You can play blitz with move cofirmation. When you get below a certain amount of time, just switch it off. It's one click if you keep the options tab open on the side. For me, personally, I don't really play blitz very much, but yes, I do it with move confirmation on.

And yes, I don't accept takebacks at all as a policy because it is the user's responsibility to enter moves correctly, and with move confirmation possible, the only excuses for mistakes are carelessness (I don't want to encourage that by cleaning up the mess) and trying to be quick (if you are sacrificing accuracy for speed, it makes no sense to have your opponent clean up your messes.
Sometimes it's just a technical thing, even when you have not been careless.
But the decisive (and disappointing) thing here is, that he asked for a takeback himself, which was allowed immediately, and than behaves like this. I just don't get it, how can anyone behave this way?
Just wish him death and forget about that. :)
The world is rotten. If you do good things to people, you need to be prepared that someone will answer you with evil.
You can be either patient (accept takebacks, knowing that someone can behave this way later), or be indifferent to people (not accept takebacks, trying to do less good to people, you are not sure about). In the first case you will meet good people, who will answer you with good, but sometimes you will have negative feelings. In the second case you will not probably make some pleasant contacts, but your state will be calm, you will not worry. And you will meet people, who CAN admit their mistakes, who CAN understand why you don't accept takeback. This is strong people. And you have an ability to meet them, if you won't accept takebacks.
there are a lot of people worse than that and most of them play as anonoumous.
> Sometimes it's just a technical thing, even when you have not been careless.

When you have move confirmation, these "technical" things go away. Not having move confirmation is just careless or due to time trouble.

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