
In Latin America anyone is WFM?

because women titles suck. I know WCM which is rated 1600~ or so and I have 4-0 record against her. Women suck at things like chess which require analytical thinking and decision making.
Women's titles are easier to get to lure more women to play chess. It's not that women are less capable, it's that women prefer to have a life rather than study something for hours a day.
@jonesmh I ABSOLUETLY disagree. Women's and Men's brain work differently. The part that takes care of decision making and situation analysys has become stronger for men, throughout evolution.

Also, "it's that women prefer to have a life rather than study something for hours a day." is absoluetly random and retarded as hell. I am not sure which gender of chess players on average spends more time studying chess (would guess that's actually women), but there will always be lazy male, lazy female, hard-working male, hard-working female. Yet results say that men achieve results way better. Also prove to me that Polgar did not work 10 hours a day+ (her father made her do preety much chess only and nothing else then she was young). And what has she become? Definetely one of the best female players, but by far inferior to any top 10 male players.

Not being a sexist or anything, but let's face a fact: we have both theoretical and practical proves that men are better strategist.

There are other parts of thinking which female's are better at then male's.
The differences in the brains due to evolution has stopped when we crawled out of the caves. The differences still remain, however women have more connection between the two halves which should benefit them. The superiority of the males' brain would benefit them tactically, which is the strongpoint of Judith's play.

In the Forbes book "The Polgar sisters," there is an description of the well-rounded education the sisters received when younger. By the time they were teenagers, and "male" GMs, they obviously had to spend more time studying chess to maintain their level. Judith admits to training for six hours a day at this time. However this is not the point as many males have an even stricter, longer training regiment. But women, in today's society, are taught to not excel and, once they grow up, are more interested in rearing their children.

Judith was eight in the rankings. By your own practical and theoretical judgement, this means she is superior to at least 3 of the top ten men. She has classical wins against the highest rated and the world champions. Although she has a negative record against these people, it is no worst than the records of some of the top male players have against Kasparov or Carlsen.

These accomplishments were done while she had two children. Although someone tended to the children during tournaments, she had to care for them during the rest of the time. No male has ever risen to this level while having to care for his children.

Not to be an misanthrope, but since your accomplishments in this game are that great, you must be that lazy male you referred to.
I am the guy who understands that there is a lot more up to life besides chess, so according to you I should be a female. Also my accomplishements are way greater than any female player's of my age in my country.

Recently I meat a girl which admitted to train 8-9 hours a day and still is, even known she does great against her female opponents, can not compete for first places in mixec championships. There is also a boy, a year younger than her and arguably spending about 7-8 times less time for chess as she does which has probably 5-0 record against her.

Come on, no you will try to prove that Hou Yifan has more talent in chess than Carlsen.

There are things that women are better that than male people, such as accuracy and patience, but let's admit - girls are no good at chess and preety much all possible competetive activities.

p.s. I guess you're female and a feminist
En Latinoamerica dan titulos "como roscas" por ganar cualquier torneo (no cualquier pero..) sub... dan titulos fide, imaginate los femeninos...
#2 You say that because you played against one girl, and beat her 4-0 ? I have a positive score against many guys on lichess, but I don't say that all guys suck at things like chess which require analytical thinking and decision making.
I said "women prefer." I did not say it was an exclusive trait.

Never said any person, male or female, was a good as Carlsen.

I did state the fact that Judith was eighth highest rated in chess.
Although I am classified as male and definitely not a feminist.
You state that females are better at accuracy and patience, two traits which make a good chess player.

In my youth, I was always on the top 50 list without the need to study. However, since in our games, you should be 0-5, what does that imply about you?

Although women are physically weaker than men, there are plenty which could beat you in combat. Does their excessive training make you less of a man?

You claim greatness by beating what you consider an inferior gender. My suggestion is to move to a backward country, like Iran, where you could have more ego boosting certification from their society.

azuaga: We took this thread way off topic. I'll not post again so as to maintain some

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