
The Legend Of ZugAddict exaggerated? "Stockifish level 8 loophole discovered"

This is the legendary win of Zugaddict

as a character i am skeptic but often for good reason so i decided to check out my theory of how he mightve won against stockfish level 8 in 1 minute

if you start with e4 then stockfish e6, d4, d5, nc3, nf6, the line often is played out identically by stockfish,but heres the kicker..

every so often stockfish makes the blunder of NB6 at move 12 right after BD3, which opens the way to the above checkmate.

in this example game

all i had to do was make a few takebacks so stockfish could play that same line, i did this a few times and won the match easy every time

from what i hear zugaddict did the same sort of, he played stockfish over and over for two hours straight playing similar line and when stockfish made that same blunder his plan succeeded as win was guaranteed.

my point is zug probably knew about this line therefore truth of it is anyone could repeat the process and win a bullet against stockfish level 8. Now im not saying this is what happened with 100% certainty but it seems very very likely, and if that were the case then his special miracle Z award shouldve been saved for someone who could actually outthink stockfish in 1 minute.

Just my 2 cents
#1 That seems a bit cynical. I believe ZugAddict discovered the line with great effort and then played it to perfection.

The exploit was that AI level 8 isn't truly "unlimited" and has a search depth limit of 12 ply, so anything more than 6 moves deep (such as his brilliant mating attack) can't be anticipated by AI level 8 no matter how long it spends searching.
So he prepared for his opponent, isn't that just fair game?
#4 ZugAddict didn't even prepare for the match (as he didn't learn of the match until it happened), he just after many failed attempts found a promising approach! Certainly what he did was fair game and he didn't enjoy any prior knowledge of his opponent.
and to prove that,i will discover another winning line and simply play it out in a 1 min match as zug did.

play this line urself u will understand where im coming from
It is impossible to exaggerate the Legend of ZugAddict. That would be like finding a number so large that there is none larger.

Still, good research. This week, I tried and failed to earn this trophy. The results:

I'd better hurry, before Stockfish gets even smarter, and I get even older.

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