
Search "user:Astral1119"

7 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Stucked at 1000 on Rapid, Blitz, Bullet...#13

No problem @Banzai9! Keep in mind that everyone is different—different methodologies will yield different results. Here's some alternative things you can do if the above doesn't work out: 1. Check out…

General Chess Discussion - Is f6 kf7 the best opening I won 2 games against 2400 and 1 against Fm#9

I've had greater success with 1. e4 f5 2. exf5 Kf7. As of writing this, I have a 54% win rate with this line (80% in rated rapid). Also, I'm loving the fact that OP is the highest rated player on this…

General Chess Discussion - Stucked at 1000 on Rapid, Blitz, Bullet...#6

Hi, 2300/2200/2200 here. Noticing you don't have a lot of time on your profile. My biggest thing is—progress takes time and dedication, and progress isn't linear. If you are intent on improving, it's …

Off-Topic Discussion - Share facts #3#13

@jdwhite42 said in #12: > apple seeds have cyanide in them Kind of—apple seeds contain amygdalin, a cyanogenic compound which breaks down into cyanide when digested. They themselves don't actually con…

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