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2594 forum posts
Off-Topic Discussion - How to get a girlfriend pt.1#22

I found that, not being nice worked for me. :). The less interested you appear, the more interested they sometimes get, no one likes a needy approach. Some people may say I'm talking a load of Horsey …

Off-Topic Discussion - Music loud on TV but voices quiet, remedy ?#21

@NaturalBornTraveller said in #20: > @Mrchess78 loud music, but no voice... Are you listening to rock and roll again? Good grief no, there's certain groups that put me off listening to R+R altogether …

Off-Topic Discussion - Music loud on TV but voices quiet, remedy ?#19

@NaturalBornTraveller said in #18: > Title > > Are you sure you ain't listings to classical music? > > Scene from Only Fools and Horses: > Rodney is listing and relaxing to some classical music, as Tr…

Off-Topic Discussion - How and why do you develop preferences?#9

@HerkyHawkeye said in #7: > Well, there's also one's tastes bud. Indeed, you are showing promise in this subject, one might go as far as to say, you are a budding authority on taste and preferences. :…

Off-Topic Discussion - How and why do you develop preferences?#4

@Clearchesser said in #3: > There is equal access. On a day you could only eat one, why and how do you prefer one over the other? The real answer might be different texture or something different. Wha…

Off-Topic Discussion - Music loud on TV but voices quiet, remedy ?#16

@SimonBirch said in #15: > Yeah this never used to happen back in the day with pixel tvs. Very annoying! Exactly, it's yet another load of unnecessary nonscence that the ordinary folk have to very lik…

Off-Topic Discussion - I found a jar of mayonnaise in the kitchen sink today.#11

@SlowBerserk said in #3: > can it get any more boring? Oh yes. :). lol

Off-Topic Discussion - I found a jar of mayonnaise in the kitchen sink today.#10

That's weird, my door was ajar this morning !. :).

Off-Topic Discussion - How and why do you develop preferences?#2

I guess one reason for the food preferences is exposure to said food over another at some point, then there's ones taste buds, or even the look of the food in question. :).
