
Search "user:Acerb8"

136 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Mah pretty stupid commentary#2

There is nothing wrong with a stupid game ... If the mate is pretty 8D Is all i wanted to post, sorry to offend people who like closing discussions 8(

General Chess Discussion - Mah pretty stupid commentary#1

Why close the discussion??? Ah was almost there to give it... Wow, such things happen when one wants to discuss chess and it gets closed down... Objectively speaking, there are far more posts left ope…

General Chess Discussion - Pretty stupid comment#1

Does n e 1 wann hear mah pretty stupid comment?

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General Chess Discussion - Cheat detection#56

@gogoLSFC said in #55: > @Acerb8 said in > I quoted a writer from a newspaper, I havent said that I use engine. I have never used any type of help during online chess. However Im pretty sure that 5-10…

General Chess Discussion - Cheat detection#53

I would just die if I lost all my involved play, a decision I realize this person not easily made... Thanx @Cedur216 @Acerb8

General Chess Discussion - Cheat detection#51

Uhmmm... the guy posted his 5 cpl account is closed, another one saying they look at opening book type of first fifteen moves, Logically speaking 1 and zeros... the zeros are this who make false claim…

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General Chess Discussion - I've had enough!#57

A sure sign a chessplayer, has become from a piece pusher, is the sheer level of paranoia... unfortunately people have a misunderstanding of what this is... but, I tell you, we would not be we, if som…
