

Good job on your tournament victory. I don't think that they put tournament victory trophies on players pages with some exceptions. Marathons, for instance, there may be other exceptions but I think it's only marathon. Titled Arena doesn't even give a trophy.

This is Magnus Carlsen's lichess account.

This is an example of Magnus winning a titled arena (Much tougher tourney than you won) Even he did not get a trophy for this.

So if they aint giving Magnus, the world champion, any trophies for winning a number of titled arena's... I don't think you got much of a shot of getting a trophy for some under 1700 tourney.
Thanks, it was a great feeling to finally win one. I never even placed before today. Things just seemed to all line up :). I guess you're right about the trophies. After having looked at @penguingim1 and seeing the stacks and stacks of shining trophies on his profile it just seemed like they did. Cheers.
The only tournaments that give you trophies are shield tournaments ( and marathons.

Marathons are 4 times a year, and give you trophies for top 100, top 50, top 10, etc. (unless something has changed in recent months).
Good information @V1chess , btw,
what's a shield? lol
Lichess as good as it is could really use a better help systelm.
I've no idea what shields are. and not a hint of an explanation on that page you linked.
shield tournaments give you a shield to try and capture. The winner of the shield tournament will keep the shield until the next shield tournment. They have it for different variants.
Yup. So all I have to do is become better than the hundreds of thousands of chess enthusiasts that use Lichess and never let up to have one of those trophies. Simple.
I wonder if I might have some chance in the marathon. How many people could possibly be willing to fry their brain for a day with no sleep.

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