
Team accounts need to be made more explicit

Hi all

Regarding yesterday's monthly classical it seems I played against GM Tal Baron and an IM in consultation - and twice.

I was not aware this was permitted by the rules of play here.

I think at minimium it needs to be made crystal clear to any opponents (especially in rated games) that they are playing players in consultation.

You can see from the footage here:

Around 1:49 - consultation clearly happening.

I actually try hard and take games seriously here, and if I had known I was playing two higher titled players, I would consider resigning and playing just other "individuals" in the tournament.

See also thread:

I think it would be fair to all past/current/future opponents that such team consultation accounts are made crystal clear, so one can for example consider resigning if one feels it is not fair if one is paired against them.

I can see btw it doesn't matter much for say bullet - where there might be "banterers" around on such a "team" account (e.g. Chessbrah) - but on more serious time controls it steps for me into the territory of "consultation" and not just "banter". Consultation (external assistance) is generally against the rules of OTB chess and online OTB chess style on most sites as far as I am aware.

Feedback welcome from all
The problem is that you can't check if players are discussing the position, except if they're streaming. I do agree that there should be some sort of warning for when lichess knows you're playing multiple opponents at the same time, though.
GM Tal Baron and IM Asaf Givon are obviously in collaboration to win this game (cheating) & I agree that there's no similarity with the Chessbrah stream. GM Eric Hansen - discussing moves in-game with IM Aman Hambleton or anyone else simply doesn't happen.
I've watched almost every chessbrah youtube video, and there are times when they have been kiblitzing together (I remember when Aman was playing a blitz match on, Eric was helping with his moves). So I think that you cannot degrade Tal and allow the chessbrahs off the hook.
#3 There are many of videos of them doing just this, haha.

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