
Didn't Lichess analysis functionalities regress ? ( a few months ago)

Didn't Lichess analysis functionalities regress a few months ago ?

When I've finished a game and press the basic post game analysis button
I remember that Lichess used to show what it thinks to the best move at every moment (every move) , even when i was deviating from the game to try another move
it seems to be no longer the case (there are no longer arrow showing the best move)

Have other users noticed this ? (NB : Sorry if this was commented before, im new to the Forum).

I noticed this a few months ago. Im not sure whether it's some type of accidental regression , or ... whether it could have been done on purpose, so as to limit the amount of computation by Lichess

Open a game, find the menu where you change computer analysis settings etc (in the hamburger menu, under where the move are shown)

Turn on "Best Move Arrow".

You must have turned it off in the past probably. Arrows will show for every move, if you have local analysis on.

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