
Chess opening trainer

Why is th chess opening trainer gone, even the rating?
Me and my students liked it.
Just too many flaws to count. It will likely be replaced by something else in the near future.
I used it regularly as a practice tool to find good candidate moves, I will miss it, it was a cool feature.
It was a feature my students liked very much.

Some opening positions had a lot of opening names that went with that transposing position. I believe those positions where much more useful to learn that the ones that only were possible by one specific opening.

It would have been nice to be able to click on the main line to read about it in a wiki.

The opening also practiced the way we look at a chess postion.
Opening principles : Castle; Pawn in center (e4 tactical, d4 strategical); All pieces need to be mobile; Move rooks to open files, Search for attacks and block or capture them). If you do something like this in the opening, you opening rating should be around 1700.

I noticed my opening rating was very similar to my game ratings. Which to me was normal, because the position was to search for the next advantageous move.
I have to admit I'm very disappointed to see the Opening Trainer gone. It was a tool that was unique to Lichess and I personally found it helpful. Especially for someone like myself who was forced to temporarily step away from chess due to personal reasons but now is looking for tools to prepare myself for tournaments again. In fact, over the past few weeks I've been using it on a daily basis to help me take the rust off.

Honestly, I never considered it an opening trainer. I found it useful helping me practice choosing candidate moves in the opening. I'm not sure what problems or bugs people reported, but I personally didn't experience any. Perhaps a simple name change may be better but I really hope you will bring it back.

@SuperGeroy Wow, thank you! This was exactly what I was looking for and how I imagined it. It would be fantastic if something like that should be done here on Lichess.
I find it very good to improve my openings in chess and it is also fun. Too many flaws?

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