
Feature request: Don't hide "Analysis" link when I offer a rematch

I know this seems minor, but in correspondence it can be very frustrating. When a game finishes, I immediately offer a rematch. It can take hours before my opponent checks lichess and accepts though, and in the meantime I would like to analyze the previous game. But I can't, cause it just says "rematch offer sent – cancel?" instead. Would be really nice there was room for both somehow.
Can't you already do that?

Go to your profile and select game you want to analyse, your current game will be sent in the "games in play" tab on main page which you can then rejoin.
It's possible for correspondence, but in fast games it takes some time, so your opponent may already cancel a current game with you, while you open an analysis window.
Well I guess in fast games you wouldn't have time to look at said analysis...

And if you really really really want to, well just open up a new tab.
I could open it in a new tab, but the problem is that there is no button "game analysis". In fast games it can be useful, when you want to quickly see move times if you suspect your opponent is cheating. Or if you want to open it in a new tab to analyse it later and not miss this game. Otherwise, after a lot of rematches, you can forger that you wanted to analyse that particular game, or you would have to go throw all 20-30 games you had played to find that game. Sometimes it's not easy...

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