
Suggestion to ban the ultrabullet

I suggest this form of playing is made unavailable. It's bad for chess and bad for all the chess players.
If nobody plays it then it will go away.

Players under 1900 need to quit watching the streamers playing 2min games. Or at least don't decide tactics from it or feel the need to play fast chess. If you have calculation mistakes at 15min 5min won't make you better.

Humans are envious and copycats. They see these players playing bullet and want to be that cool.

Well, Magnus and Hikaru hav been perfecting their game for 25 + yrs.
Be good at 20min first.

Fast chess just develops lazy superficial calculation skills.

Now if someone doesn't care about improving and just wants quick games for fun then ok I'm not the fun police.
He's joking guys. Don't downvote the IM. I've played him in ultra several times in the past
Its not so much that its bad for chess, it just isn't chess. But if people actually like it, why not I guess.
@TigerLilov said in #1:
> I suggest this form of playing is made unavailable. It's bad for chess and bad for all the chess players.
just admit you can't make it 2700 like the rest of categories
Why is it bad for all the chess players???

I am a chess player and it is not bad for me: I wouldn't touch bullet chess with a ten foot pole (it is completely under my radar). But there are others who would. Why is there this compulsive desire to shove one's preferences down everyone's throat?
Ultrabullet is a purely recreational thing. Nothing wrong with playing it, but it won't help you to improve your chess skills.
@drSabrotna said in #2:
> If nobody plays it then it will go away.
> Players under 1900 need to quit watching the streamers playing 2min games. Or at least don't decide tactics from it or feel the need to play fast chess. If you have calculation mistakes at 15min 5min won't make you better.
> Humans are envious and copycats. They see these players playing bullet and want to be that cool.
> Well, Magnus and Hikaru hav been perfecting their game for 25 + yrs.
> Be good at 20min first.
> Fast chess just develops lazy superficial calculation skills.
> Now if someone doesn't care about improving and just wants quick games for fun then ok I'm not the fun police.
Huh guess it's my time to play ultra!
@bufferunderrun said in #7:
> Ultrabullet is a purely recreational thing. Nothing wrong with playing it, but it won't help you to improve your chess skills.

also it's peepoGamble with connection and lag compensation (or the lack thereof)
The same applies to bullet as well for like 95% of people. You are not learning anything, just spending time because you are bored and want to do something.

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