
No client to server analysis save

Hey everyone.

I am running lots of pretty deep (multipv 5, depth 40) analysis on a lot of top opening moves (Scandi, Italian, Caro, etc), but those aren't being saved nor verified by lichess (and not available as cloud analysis later)

It's just a pity I am going to do this over and over. The initial topic is

When analysis depth hits 40, there is no websocket message being sent about the analysis, although sometimes cloud analysis available in this line is only 20 depth (meaning that I went twice as deep). Neither message is sent before or after this (both no XHR/WS).

Based on sources of lichess ( I should have quite a decent Trust level (> 5 that is needed to have "great trust") so that my analysis should have been at least saved for verification (if that's the piece of code that calculates it).

Could someone hint me at what is wrong or are there any other criteria for the analysis to be saved? Some of the lines were analyzed two months ago, so I think a lot of time passed since then to verify it.

Absolutely love lichess, thanks thibault to make all this happen!

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