
Opening Book from your own games


I think it would be kind of cool if instead of being able to choose between the 'Lichess' database and the 'masters' database, there was a third option which only shows openings and winning percentages for games you have played.
What do you think?
I've been thinking about this for a while too. Was thinking about exporting all my games and putting it into software to do the same thing, but if lichess could do it that would be even better.
+1 for this idea. Would help figuring out where to improve and building and repertoire.
Would be super cool if lichess added this.

What I do is use lucas chess to see how my opening variations score. Or do the more involved process below.

This is kind of a pain. It only takes 1-2 minutes total to update your own database or make a book. You export games from lichess, then use lucas chess to filter out anything but classical games, create new classical.pgn file. Open up fritz15, create new database. Create new openings book. Analysis > openings book > import games.

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