IM Nextlevel4naija Lichess coach picture

IM Isaac Okeke

Quality and affordable coaching for all!

Location Nigeria
LanguagesEnglish (US)
Hourly rate$10
AvailabilityAccepting students

About me

Hello there, I am IM Okeke Isaac 20yr old chess player from Nigeria.
Where I come from, achieving such status has been packed with a lot of hurdles and obstacles.
I believe in quality and affordable coaching according to the elements of chess, yeah chess elements! It’s what drives our mastery of the game throughout the course of our career.
Send that message now! You need this haha

Playing experience

I learnt the game from a computer my mum brought home back then in 2014 and participated in my first ever fide rated event in 2017.
The highlight of my career currently has been achieving the IM title and my participation at the 2022 chess Olympiad.

Teaching experience

I’ve been coaching players since 2017, while it wasn’t professional due to it being majorly not priced and was mostly collaboration to improve my peers and those around me and they’ve gone from being complete beginners to intermediate players >1800 fide.
I decided to make it formal this year and I’m looking forward to impacting each and everyone of my students.

Other experiences

I’ve been participating in social chess programs across Nigeria namely Chessinslums, chess 4 change, chess to all and many more.
I believe in the transformative power of chess and it’s ability to influence lives.

Best skills

Psychology, Calculation, impactful learning & collaboration.

Teaching methodology

I believe every chess player should be aware of the elements of chess and how it influences and mould our skills and development throughout our chess lifespan.
Exercises, analysis, training games , assignments, open sessions, et al. These would be core models which would be employed to develop the learner.