
Resources to save half a point when it looks like all is lost!

What about when you have a completely lost position? Is hoping for your opponent’s worst mistake all you can do?

There are still some resources to fight for, maybe not to win, but to safe half a point, to go for a DRAW!

I bet you know about PERPETUAL CHECK and STALEMATE.

PERPETUAL CHECK is a situation in which one player can force a draw by an unending series of checks. It’s not under the rules of chess; however perpetual checks always end up in a threefold-repetition or the fifty-move rule.

THREEFOLD-REPETITION: the game may be drawn if any identical position is about to appear or has appeared on the chessboard at least three times (FIDE laws of chess handbook).
On, or, this draw happens automatically on the third repetition

FIFTY-MOVE RULE: The game may be drawn if each player has made at least the last 50 consecutive moves without the movement of any pawn and without any capture (FIDE laws of chess handbook).

How about some puzzles to practice?

STALEMATE happens when the player to move has no legal move and his/her king is not in check. This immediately ends the game with 0.5 for each player, neither wins or loses.
In a stalemate, just like with checkmate, the king cannot move, he has no safe squares, BUT there’s no check. It’s more frequent in the endgame, but it can also be possible right in the middlegame if there’s absolutely no possible move to play.

Some puzzles!

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